What's New in Prism 9?

To see what is in the most up to date version of Prism, go here: https://www.graphpad.com/updates.

About Prism 9Prism 9 introduces a number of great improvements to the Multiple Variables data table. Explore larger data sets using a standard structure, and perform new and improved analyses with the ...

To see what is in the most up to date version of Prism, go here: https://www.graphpad.com/updates.

About Prism 9

Prism 9 introduces a number of great improvements to the Multiple Variables data table. Explore larger data sets using a standard structure, and perform new and improved analyses with the following improvements:

  • Increased data limits - enter up to 1024 columns of data in each data table
  • Automatic identification of variable types - Identify variables in the Multiple variables data table as continuous, categorical, or label values
  • Text information in the data table - Enter data directly as text. Instead of coding a variable like "0" and "1", simply enter "Male" and "Female" directly in the data table
  • Automatic variable encoding - Enter your data and let Prism take care of the rest. Prism will automatically encode categorical text variables into numeric "dummy" variables

Learn more about the latest version of Prism by visiting GraphPad.com

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