Understanding Violin Plots

Graphing Basics

Violin plots take the popular box-and-whisker plot and improve it so you can see the density of your data in addition to the center, spread, and any outliers that may be present. When you have a numeric response and a categorical grouping variable, violin plots are an excellent choice for displaying ...

Violin plots take the popular box-and-whisker plot and improve it so you can see the density of your data in addition to the center, spread, and any outliers that may be present. When you have a numeric response and a categorical grouping variable, violin plots are an excellent choice for displaying the variation with and between your groups of data.

You will learn:

  • When to use a violin plot
  • How to enter your data for a violin plot
  • How to superimpose data on your violin plot
  • How to interpret your plot
  • How to change the appearance of your violin plot

This video tutorial is presented by Dr Steven Bradburn, founder of Top Tip Bio.  

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